Wednesday 8 February 2012

Drugged Up and Down

8th February 2012

Situation: The former Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago goes for his regular heart and overall check-up to Cuba where his doctors reside and returns with a clean bill of health. Mere days after he surfers a stroke and is admitted to hospital. How can this be? His family decides to do their own investigation and soon his sister Dr. Petronella Manning-Alleyne discovers that the value of the dosage in the drug he was taking to prevent the said stroke is low compared to other countries where the health standard is higher and that the T&T government seems to be sourcing cheap drugs from countries with low health standards. Minister of Health Fuad Khan rebuts by saying that Dr. Manning-Alleyne is wrong to make such a blanket statement without prior thorough research of all the drugs used in the T&T market.

Okay, first let me say this. I read both articles. I also read the comments attached to each and it seems only PPP's supporters read the Guardian. Whoy! Anyway, I must, must, MUST state that not once did Mrs. Petronella-Alleyne say that ALL of T&T's drugs were substandard as the minister and others are making it out to be. If she did I do agree with Dr. Fuad Khan that she would have been clearly out-of-line. However, hers was a clear case of if one can be so, so can the others, especially if they all come from the same place, check the others to make sure.

Whether or not the former PNM government got drugs from the same suppliers, I don't know, and frankly given the drastic change of suppliers since the PPP's take over, I highly doubt that they still have the same suppliers for public medication. So for some who make the claim that this is a reflection of the shortcomings of Mr. Manning's former administration and why it is that she didn't say something then, until we get proof that the PNM were also procuring drugs from the same people, hold it down.

Maybe she didn't know about the drugs, maybe she did, (frankly I think she did, steups, the man on the street know that) but it doesn't matter. What matters is that if any drug is found to be below the standard, that is being distributed within the public health system, even one, and I believe she confirmed that the particular dose that Mr. Manning was taking was low compared to what it was supposed to be, it should be investigated, even if it is just to prove that the other drugs are fine.

Why is the Health Minister taking the defensive? That is my question. If it is that you think Dr. Manning-Alleyne is wrong then PROVE IT! Show that the drugs being provided to the public by your ministry is anything but sub-standard and that the public is safe in depending on it. Bring your facts and tell the doctor-lady to move from here with she ONE out-a-timing dose!

The very fact that he is acting so defensive says something. I don't know what but if some of the comments on the Express article is true then his response would make all the sense in the world. According to my favourite commenter watch_womantt55, 'what is more important to you the lives of citizens or your clan?' I'm not hinting to know what 'clan' she's talking about but she made good sense. It is common knowledge that drugs from the public system are not always good. That is why people go for private prescriptions all the time. It's not a secret. Most of the people I know who take CDAP only take it when they are absolutely scruntin' and can't afford 'proper' drugs because it is known that these government subsidised drugs don't always work and many times leave people with unwanted side affects.

I applaud Mr. Manning for being brave enough to trust his health to the drugs in the public health system especially with such a serious illness as heart problems and ESPECIALLY when he is one of the few that can afford not to depend on the subsidised drugs. He really is a true lover of his country's systems to support it in all aspects.

I've put links to both articles below for your perusal and as usual feel free to hit 'Take Yuh Time, An Do' Fast!' on facebook or comment below.

Is Mr. Khan right in his stance on the issue or should we dare him to show us the medication in his home cabinet and see if he depends on ministry supplied drugs and start a long awaited investigation into the matter?
And is Dr. Manning-Alleyne right in bringing the issue to light or should she stop up her hypocritical pipe and answer as to why she's only waiting until now when the issue hits home to say something?

Leh meh hear yuh nah?!

Trinbagonian Baby

Dealing with real, everyday issues in Trinidad and Tobago today.


Manning’s sister questions quality of heart drugs

Don't question quality of drugs without proper probe

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